Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time Flies

Where has the time gone?! How can this be our last night in Cameroon?!

We left Mangamba this morning with our bags packed and hearts heavy. Many people from the village came to wish us farewell, asking when we will be back. “Next month? Next year?” they would ask. Hopefully one day. As we drove down the dirt road for the last time I tried to take in every little piece of this beautiful place: the lush green jungle forests, the palm trees, the signs, the people waving as we passed. It’s funny how observant we become when it’s the last? Buildings I hadn’t noticed before jumped out at me from behind the bushes and unseen landmarks become obvious. I do my best to notice the details but the threat of leaving sets your eyes on high gear.

Hopefully the 1,162 photos I have will help me remember what I love about this place and the many people who have impacted my life throughout this journey. It has truly been an adventure of the heart.

To give you a brief update as to what we have accomplished so far:
·      Taught 11 schools (countless children) about malaria, first aid, menstruation and HIV/AIDS
·      Provided 500+ mosquito nets
·      Completed 200+ health assessments
·      Provided mattresses to 16 WEH children
·      Paid for a 14 year old boy’s hernia repair surgery
·      Provided sunscreen, sun hat and sunglasses for an albino child
·      Supply the hospital with bags and bags and bags of supplies
·      …and fund acute cases such as dehydration, fever and infection

 We still have a long list of people that we would like to follow up with. Our working partnership with WEH has made it possible to help and support many individuals who’s needs exceed our stay. I would just like to say thank you, again for your love and support. Merci!!

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