Wednesday, February 2, 2011

From Here- To There- and Back Again

What an amazing journey I have had! I've been home for 48 hours now and when I think about the last month, it all seems like a dream. Did I really spend a month in Africa, caring for people and teaching about health? That's what "other people" do! But then I look at the 1,200+ pictures I took... and I'm in them... in Africa... so it must be true!

This experience has taught me so much about what it means to"give back". My life has been shaped by circumstances outside of my control. Having been born in the United States has provided me with more opportunities than any one person deserves. I've never had to worry about if I would be able to go to school, where my drinking water would come from, or when my next meal would be (or what it would consist of). I've gone to school for the last sixteen years and I've been able to experience the world in the process. I'm healthy and I have an amazingly supportive family (without whom this-- and many other things, wouldn't have been possible).

My time in Cameroon showed me that I love nursing, caring for people and teaching ways to stay healthy. It's very reassuring that I enjoy nursing so much since theoretically, I could be doing it for a while! (So excited to graduate this spring!) Someone once said "People travel to faraway places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home.” So this is my own personal challenge-- to continue promoting health education in my community, where ever I am. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what "they" need "over there" but we often overlook our neighbors who are struggling right next to us.  Here's to helping where we're needed, be it near or far. 

**If you are interested in supporting the efforts of WEH please visit or find Friends of WEH on Facebook for more information